Professional Lawn Leveling / Top Dressing & Service Options

Turf Brothas 757 — Service with a smile
Get Your Lawn Leveled By Pros who will treat your lawn like their very own
(757) 276- 3196

What is Lawn Leveling or Top Dressing? 

Professional Lawn Leveling / Top Dressing
Your lawn can become uneven or bumpy over time, due to natural settling, drainage issues, moles, digging and various other reasons.  In most cases Turf Brothas 757 lawn leveling services can help you address the problem by top dressing with a thin layer either sand or a combination of high-quality leveling mix (soil, compost, and sand). Depending on the severity of your situation, this may require multiple applications of topdressing.  Areas with deeper holes or depressions will require targeted backfill and seeding depending on the type of grass, e.g., cool season or warm.  

Our Process: 

Step 1.  Reach out to Turf Brothas 757 and let us know about your lawn goals. Get an initial survey scheduled and together we will work to choose which service options are best for you and your budget.

Step 2.  Our service options start with soil tests. Even though our primary service is Lawn Leveling, the health of your lawn is really the foundation of it all. Our goal is to not only level your lawn, but to have it look as good as our own.  We will collect soil samples across the entire service area.  Soil testing can help you save money by identifying which nutrients are already in your soil and which you need to add. You save money by preventing unnecessary soil amendments. We will share your soil results with you and adjust your services as needed. One of the most important things the soil test measures is soil pH, or how acidic or basic your soil is. Soil testing is the only way to know if your soil is too acidic, if you need to add lime to raise ph.

Step 3. Agree on the service plan, service options, pricing and set a start date (weather permitting).

Standard services at a minimum will include:

Lawn scalp to a minimum of 1 inch, essentially cut the lawn to a very low height 

Heavy Core Aeration: The main purpose of lawn aeration is to provide air and breathability to your lawn and the soil it grows in. Lawn aeration is the process mechanically pulling plugs of soil all over your lawn, leaving small holes. These holes aid vital elements, such as air and water, to enter and make contact at the grassroots. This process helps the roots to grow deeply, which in turn produces a stronger and overall healthier lawn. The main purpose of lawn aeration is to provide air and breathability to your lawn and the soil underneath it. We will then follow with Lawn Leveling & Top Dressing.

Lawn leveling / Top dressing:  Apply even application of sand or a combo mix across the entire area being treated. This is typically 1 ton of material per 1000 Sq Ft for a top dress and double that to achieve a more leveled lawn.

Turf Brothas 757 can help you achieve that healthy, leveled and thriving lawn you desire, so give us a call.